Thoughts of a dying atheist..
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Here's where I show off...

Nah,Stu said I should put some of my drawings on here..
I hadnt really thought about it before.alot of my "art" is photographical
(is that even a word?) but here we go.
At your request!


"Serendipity?" - The Crow

Drawn summer 04. Now in the process of
being drawn onto bedroom wall.

"Dead trees are for livin"

Drawn sometime in late 03'
Based on an image i found a while back.
Next to is,although its not clear here, is a quote from a film.

I Tend to put random things above and
around my bed.(see home for more).
And this quote my dream fairies on drugs
was made a while back
The Stars have been drawn more recently

This piece i know is rather strange so i will
explain it.
It was made for my GCSE final piece in Art last year.I kept it
cause I thought well..To be honest school didnt like it.My teachers
didnt see the significance of i bought it home to be kept better.
Its based on a Edgar Allen Poe poem.Hence the quote in the sky part.
The Hand was just put there made from many different ideas.

Entitled : "Spiders web"

Like all emo kids I have been dumped in the past and
about.So yeah,I wrote a poem on it.
The Original was a lot longer and went into much more
depth but i decided to keep it simple.
Its strange putting this here.Ive tried all this time to
sure noone read it..

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

A rose i drew on the front of my art book.
a little too 2D i know..but it was only rough.